Why Syndra
developed bots
We offer better risk-adjusted returns, lower drawdowns, and longer performance histories compared to many other options on the market. Most “algorithmic” companies trade forex and use over-leveraged strategies with no stop-loss which risks customers blowing their accounts. At Syndra, we make our own bots and will show you snippets of code at request to prove it!
No deceptive
AI claims
At Syndra, we are upfront about what our algorithms do. We don't rely on flashy terms like "AI" just for marketing; we focus on providing solid, data-driven strategies that are thoroughly tested and optimized for real-world performance. You get what you see, not misleading buzzwords
Superior backtesting
and performance
Many competing platforms don’t offer the depth of historical data or backtesting that we do. They may provide limited or cherry-picked results that only show short-term wins, hiding potential long-term risks. Our SPX bot and other algorithms have the history and the data to back them up. Powered by QuantConnect - the leading platform chosen by quants and engineers.
Your funds stay safe in
regulated, US-based markets
Many algorithmic trading platforms out there, especially those pushing forex algorithms, operate in less regulated markets. Forex trading often requires sending your money overseas to brokers that may not be subject to the same strict regulations as US-based stock trading. This means you’re putting your funds at higher risk with fewer protections
Our Supported Brokers
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which Brokerages Are Compatible With Syndra?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
2. How do I connect my brokerage account to Syndra?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
3. Can Syndra access my brokerage account or funds?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
4. What types of trading strategies do Syndra's algorithms use?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
5. How do Syndra's algorithms manage risk and position sizing?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
6. How can I assess the performance of Syndra’s algorithms?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
7. What is the minimum capital required to start using Syndra?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
8. What happens if I want to stop using an algorithm?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
9. Are Syndra's algorithms suitable for beginners?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.
10. Do I need to download anything or keep my computer on for the algorithms to run?
Syndra primarily directs users to Interactive Brokers. They are a huge name in the industry and house hundreds of billions of dollars of retail assets. We also can work with StoneX, but we prefer to use Interactive Brokers. These brokers are regulated in the US and registered with the SEC and CFTC, and deposits are SIPC insured, so we only deal with legitimate brokers.